Product Title: Caterham Super Seven Author: Arduino Product Date: 24-08-2005 Product Copyright: Arduino ID: LWCATSS05 -------------- Ownership statements or list of licensed source material: All of this products content was created by: Arduino -------------- Needed Files List and System Required: Lightwave 6 or 7 or 8 -------------- Detailed Installation Instructions: Extract all files in your preferred Lw folder as ex.: "Object" folder When you open the scene (lws file) or the object (lwo file) it is possible that Lightwave wonders where find some object or texture simply select the required file in the folder where you have extracted the files of the product, the other files will be found automatically. -------------- Files List and Exact folder names & locations: ..\CaterhamSS\ Auto4.lwo Auto5.lwo Body.jpg Body2Kevlar.jpg CatText.jpg -------------- The product not require conversion -------------- Usage Tips/Limitations Auto 4 is the Caterham balck with flames Auto 5 is the Caterham with the front kevlar -------------- Thank you for choosing my work. --------------