Product Title: Ugly Cowboy Author: Arduino Author E-mail: Product Date: 6-September-2007 Product Copyright: Arduino -------------- Ownership statements or list of licensed source material: All of this products content was created by: Arduino -------------- Needed Files List and System Required: Poser 4 and up DAZ Michael 3 figure -------------- Detailed Installation Instructions Extract the zip-archive with your zip program: - Open WinZip and press the button -Extract- - In the window -Folders/drives-, select the folder that contain your Poser program. (ex. c:\program files\Poser4\ ). - The check box -Use Folder names- must be marked. That way, all files will placed in the correct path. -------------- Files List and Exact folder names & locations: ..\Runtime\Geometries\apgeometrie\CowBoy\ TucoBoots.obj TucoGunBelt.obj Tucojacket.obj TucoPants.obj ..\Runtime\libraries\Character\Cowboy\ Tuco_Boots.cr2 Tuco_Boots.png Tuco_BootsNoBUMP.cr2 Tuco_BootsNoBUMP.png TucoGunBelt.cr2 TucoGunBelt.png TucoGunBeltNOBUM.cr2 TucoGunBeltNOBUM.png TucoJacket.cr2 TucoJacket.png TucoJacketNoBUMP.cr2 TucoJacketNoBUMP.png TucoPants.cr2 TucoPants.png TucoPantsNoBUMP.cr2 TucoPantsNoBUMP.png TucoPantsNoBUMP.rsr TucoPants.rsr TucoJacketNoBUMP.rsr TucoJacket.rsr TucoGunBeltNOBUM.rsr TucoGunBelt.rsr Tuco_BootsNoBUMP.rsr Tuco_Boots.rsr ..\Runtime\libraries\Face\Cowboy\ 05-Tuco.png 01-Tuco.fc2 01-Tuco.png 02-Tuco.fc2 02-Tuco.png 03-Tuco.fc2 03-Tuco.png 04-Tuco.fc2 04-Tuco.png 05-Tuco.fc2 05-Tuco.rsr 04-Tuco.rsr 03-Tuco.rsr 02-Tuco.rsr 01-Tuco.rsr ..\Runtime\libraries\Hair\ArduinoHair\ Tuco-Hair.png Tuco-Hair.hr2 Tuco-Hair.rsr ..\Runtime\libraries\Pose\!Cowboy-Ugly\ MAT-UCowboy.pz2 02-Standing.pz2 03-Hand-On-Gun.pz2 CowboyINJ.pz2 04-Gun-ready.pz2 MAT-UCowboyGen.pz2 MAT-UCowboyBM.pz2 CowboyINJ.png MAT-UCowboy.png MAT-UCowboyBM.png MAT-UCowboyGEN.png 03-Hand-On-Gun.png 04-Gun-ready.png 02-Standing.png 05-Standing2.pz2 05-Standing2.png 02-Standing.rsr 03-Hand-On-Gun.rsr 04-Gun-ready.rsr 05-Standing2.rsr CowboyINJ.rsr MAT-UCowboy.rsr MAT-UCowboyBM.rsr MAT-UCowboyGen.rsr ..\Runtime\libraries\Props\Cowboy\ TucoThreadGun.pp2 TucoColt.png TucoColt.pp2 Tuco-Hat.png Tuco-Hat.pp2 Tuco-HatNoBUMP.png Tuco-HatNoBUMP.pp2 TucoSpurL.png TucoSpurL.pp2 TucoSpurR.png TucoSpurR.pp2 TucoThreadGun.png TucoGunInBelt.png TucoGunInBelt.pp2 TucoThreadGun.rsr TucoSpurR.rsr TucoSpurL.rsr Tuco-HatNoBUMP.rsr Tuco-Hat.rsr TucoGunInBelt.rsr TucoColt.rsr -------------- Conversion and/or application instructions The conversion is required for the BUMP maps only in Poser 4 Simply convert in Poser 4 the JPG BUMP images. No conversion is required for Poser 5-6-7 -------------- Usage Tips/Limitations -Load in Poser Daz M3 figure -Apply the INJECTION pose: "CowboyINJ" and the Mat Pose: "MAT-UCowboyBM" (with BUMP) or "MAT-UCowboy" (without BUMP) -If you want to use the M3 genital, you can apply the Mat Gen Pose: "MAT-UCowboyGEN" -If you don't want to use the bump maps on the clothing you can use the clothing named "...NoBUMP" -The jacket has a body morph named "Hand-On-Belt" that it allows to the Tuco figure to support the hand on the gun. The hip group of the jacket has a morph named "Gun-in-Belt" this morph allows to move the jacket above the gun in the belt -A set of typical "Tuco expressions" is included in the product -The Prop named "TucoThtreadGun" has some morph that allow to change the position of the prop to adapt it to the figure poses -Tuco hair has 2 morph: "Hat-Fix" and "Fix-M3" the first can be used when you put the hat on the head of Tuco. The second one can be use when you want to used Tuco Hair on a normal M3 Figure -------------- Thank you for choosing my work.